Wednesday, November 29, 2006
One day in the morning, Joe calls Steven and says ‘ There is a new girl in this town. She is tall with red hair and a nice smile.’
Steve’s father Ned Reit is editor of the weekly newspaper. The Cado Star.Cado star has only one reporter but he is ill. Ned tells Steve to take some interesting picture.
Then he find a beautiful girl in the town. He thinks she is the girl whom Joe told about. Steve often sees the girl in the town. He makes many fails because he admires her. She also looks for some interesting pictures in order to sell them to Cado Star. Steve cannot find some interesting pictures, then he meet Mr. Picket. Mr.Picket tells about Bud Richie who is a famous writer and he ill be back in the town. Steve decides to meet him and report him. He goes to meet Bud Richie and asks about his times away. Bud Richie traveled over the world. He went to Himalaya, Africa , India and so on. Then Steve helps a cat which cannot get down from a tree but he fell down. A beautiful girl take picture of the scene. She is the girl whom Steve saw in the town. Her name is Marietta and she is Bud Richie’s daughter. Steve and Marietta fall in love.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
In the morning, I was slightly ill-conditioned but I thought it is no problem. We arived at the Suntry Beer factory and we studied by observation. Then we studied how to pour a dericious glass of beer. In the middle of the semina, I become sick and I was carried to medical room. I want to listen the seminar and exercise serving beer. I go back when lunch time. I cannot eat yakiniku enough. I was unhappy.
I went to hospital next day. A doctor told me that I was gastroenteritis. I was stay in bed for three days.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
On Thursday morning, Sally is in bed. Suddenly her phone rings and it’s her boy friend Andrew. He says that Sally must go out with him tonight and wear blue skirt. But her blue skirt is dirty she doesn’t want to wear it. Andrew likes blue but Sally likes red.
He often calls her and says do this, do that, don’t go there . . . and so on!
At lunch time, Sally goes shopping to look for the blue skirt with her friend. Finally she buys a red skirt which Andrew doesn’t like.
After working, she goes to a cafĂ©. Paul also is there. He picks her fallen bag up. Sally thanks for him. After that, Paul’s phone rings but it is stranger. He notice that His phone and Sally’s phone changed! Paul calls his phone which Sally has now and they meet again. They fall in love. Ally doesn’t go to Andrew and she go to a party with Paul.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I'm hungry
I like breads, ikinari-dango and tonkotsu noodle, too! I like tonkotu noodle the best. Chiaki recommends Bunryu and I have been wanting to go bunryu. Lately, a new shop of Bunryu was built near my house. I will go to the new shop. I want to eat tonkoshu noodle enough!
chiaki's report is→here!
My Family
My brother is twenty-two year-old and he is freeter. I'm a littlee taller than him. He has been takeing care of me since I was born. We are very friendly and I like him but I want him to find a job.
My father is fifty-two year-old and my mother is forty-seven year-old. My parents began to run a bakely house about a year ago. My mother makes a lot of bread and my father go to sell them. They always work so hard and I always help them. But my mother cannot sleeep well in weekday and my father always very tired. I worry about their body everyday. After grduate, I want to make money and help my parents.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Mr. Fuller wonders why there is 5000 dollers more in his bank and he doesn't know that. He cannot under stand that. His son, Sam says 'It's good. Don't ask question about it. Be happy!'
The e-mail from S.Fuller to New York Cafe says,'I want to help people and make them happy!' The e-mail from New York afe to S.Fuller answers ' This is new York Cafe and my name is computerhead. OK. I can help you!' They begin to contact on e-mail and S.Fuller follows computerhead's instructions.
S.Fuller and computerhead handle the important computers in America and they order rich people to give thir money to poor people. They want to help poor people and make a New America. They continue to hack computer in America. The police and the President of America look for a climinal and interested in the New York Cafe.
Mr.and Mr.Fuller angry because thir son Sam and their daughter Shelia don't want to sail with them. Then The e-mail from S.Fuller to Computerhead says,My mum and dad are sailing now. I have more time at the computer.' S.Fuller and Computerhead threaten the president of America with controling the missiles. But the plice get the signal from a computer cafe in New York and they catches Computerhead. Then The police catches Sam, but the true climinal his sister Shelia.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Happy Hills is a famous theme park. Sally work there as a part-time job. She is a student and she wants to be a teacher.
Every morning Mr. Parry makes a list of jobs for today in the workers canteen.
Today Sally arrives at Happy Hills at eight oclock. She goes to the canteen and looks for Mr. Parry's list. The list says, 'Sally Brown-Connie Cat. Break;eleven. Therefore she must wear heavy and hot costume. Every wokers hete this costume job.
The door is openat nine oclock. Today is special day in Happy Hillsbecause very famous singer Zapp comes there. Zapp sings some popular songs in front of Zapp-o-copter which is a new attraction of Happy Hills. He shows a CD which is his new song. Then he puts the CD in his pocket again.
After a long time, Zapp's CD disappears from his pockets. Then police come and they ask a lot of questions to the visitors snd workers. Zapp is very angry. But Sally noticed that there is much one person who wear the costume. One of the charactors, Charie Clown cannot be there, so police catch it. It is a woman and she has Zapp's new CD! Sally did a great work to find a criminal.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The Chronicles of Narnia

I spent boring time today, so I decided to go rental video shop. I rent a DVD which is The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe. I had ever watched in a theather before but I wanted to watch it again.I would like to introduce the story shortly.
In wartime, four envacuated children lost their way and wandered into a Narunia kingdom. The country was ruled over by a white witch. People are afraid of the witch. Aslan is a lion and he is looked up the people in Narnia. The four children make a war against white witch with Aslan and army. They fight with using wisdom and power. As the result They beat the white witch. Peace returned to the Narnia and the four children become kings and queen.
I like the story very much and I watched this DVD again and again. I impressed the scale and interesting story. I want to read the book of Narnia, too!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Takuma Festival

Takuma festival is held in Kumamoto Gakuen University for three days. A lot of people come the Takuma festival and famous artists performed in it. Therefore Takuma festival is very famous among young people in Kumamoto.
I went the first day yesterday. I haven't been in a circle and I haven't go the Takuma festival. Some of my friends who is in a circle had their own shops for three days. I know that they worked hard till late before the Takuma festival.
As soon as I arrived, a friend of mine treated me fried potato. Then I ate manjyu, tijimi and mikan for free. I was very glad that I have very good friends. My Korean friends made some Korean foods and it was real things. It was too hot for me but very good taste. I bought takoyaki, juice and desert. I surprised at the inexpensiveness and tastes. There were a lot of people in the festival today but today is a weekday. More people will come tomorrow because tomorrow is a holiday. I can't go there toborrow because of part-time job. I want to enjoy the Takuma festival again next year.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Jack, Max, Sasha and Tonya are stsnds on Jack's boat. Max and Sasha are Jack's friends and Tonya is his wife. They discuss about their future.Then they decided to sail around the world.
Their sailing start and visited many places around the world. Some days later they see a big fishing boat. Max looks carefully at the boat though his binoclars. There is something in the net and it's alive.
It's a killer whale orca and it's hurt. Jack gets the net off the baby killer whale. Suddenly there are other killer whales near the boat. Jack swims to the boat as fast as a fish and gets in the boat.
It begins to rain as they move away from the killer whales. Suddenly it is raining very hard and there is a lot of wind.A very big wave hits the boat. Tonya disappears from the boat. Some time later the boat hits a beach.
Tonya is five hundred metres away out in the sea. She finds some wood and puts her arms around it. She sees a bearch in front of her her but she cannot swim to it. Tonya listen to some noise. Ten metres in front of her is a very big fin. Under the fin is a killer whale. There are many killer whale in the water. The biggest killer whale is under her but she don't die. Suddenly she is on his back and he carry her to the shore.
Jack finds Tonya at the beach. He cries and too happy. That is the grateful orca.