Sunday, December 31, 2006
My shop was full and the countdown party warm up very much. At first I didn't want to work on New Year's Eve but I enjoyed very much with many costomers. I could drink alcohol and eat some yakitori.
the countdown party was held from p.m.10:00 to a.m.4:00. I went home very late therefore I was scolded by my father.
A New Year came! I want to make this year wonderful☆
Thursday, December 28, 2006
bounen-kai season
Winter vacation has already started but I have not had real vacation yet.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Soapy is a homeless and he lives on the street of New York. He likes the sun and the trees but he doesn’t like buildings or houses or jobs. When winter came, he made crimes every year. He wants to be put in jail because winter is too cold for homeless to live on the road. He is going to make climes in this winter as usual.
Soapy thinks about his plan. The plan is to skip out a expensive restaurant without paying the bill and he wants to be put in jail for three months. He goes to Sanborn’s Restaurant but the waiter doesn’t make him enter the restaurant. His first plan is fail.
He thinks about his plan again. Then he breaks a window of a expensive store. He said to police that the criminal is himself but the police doesn’t believe it. The next plan is also failed.
Next he runs into a theater and he starts to dance and make a noise in front of important people. A police man sees Soapy but he thinks that soapy is a theater school student. He is not arrested again.
Finally he decided to work and look for apartment. He is happy with his new plan. Suddenly a police man visited him and as the result he is put in jail.
Monday, December 25, 2006
☆Merry Christmas☆
Unfortunately I had to work my part time job because my part time job is lacking for staff. There is only two staff in my part time job and that is me and my superior. I have no boy friend but my superior have lovely boy friend therefore I had to work today.
A lot of couples came my shop and one of those couples said to me ' Why do you work on Christmas?' I was a little disgusted by the couple. I want to spend happy Christmas with nice boy friend in next year!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Winter Vacation!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Number 24 Park Street is a big and expensive house. Old Mr. Anthony Rockwell lives there. He is very rich because he woked for many years. He is surrounded by nice family therefore he is a happy man.
One day, Mr. Rockwell calls his son Richard. Richard is twenty one years old and he is quiet. Mr. Rockwelltells his son that maney can open a lot of doors for you. But Richard doesn't think so because he falls in love with a beautiful womanwhose name is Lantry. She is going to go Europe tomorrow and stay there for two years. Richard is going to go theater with her but she doesn't have enough time. Richard can't tell her about his love for her.
In the evening, Richard and Miss Lantry go to the theater but they were delayed by the heavy traffic. They can't go to the theater but they had enough time to talk. Then, Richard know her love for him. They are in love.
In fact, Mr. Rockwell made the traffic jam with money.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Unfortunately I'm busy to work my part-time job in this week. I don't know that I can finish all my assignments. Maybe I will have to reduce my sleeping time. Sleeping time is my most important time. I will do my best and I want to have very good winter vacation.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
nabe party
Sunday, December 10, 2006
The store was not so crowded. We were luckey. First I was surprised at the heavy chinese noodle but it is very delicious. I had never eat such delicious chinese noodle. I recommend the bunryu's chinese noodle to everyone. If you like plain chinese noodle, You couldn't eat all of it.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Anna Brodsky is a reporter and she wants to interview to Tom Casey who is a police detective. They meet in a restaurant. Tom doesn’t like a reporter and Anna also Doesn’t like a police detective. Ann thinks that this man isn’t like other police detectives, When she listens to his answer.
In a dark street not far away, Buck is looking at cars. He has a gold ring on his middle finger, with the letter B on it. He has an eye on a green BMW and he opens the door with his tool. Mr. and Mrs. Green notice that someone is in their green BMW. Mr. Green is to get his car back but he is run over. Mr. Green is injured.
In a restaurant, Tom’s phone rings. It is the News that a green BMW was stolen. Tom and Anna went to the site and Tom asks Mr. green some Questions. Then Tom and Anna do legwork. The police find out Buck and the Morgan brothers. They plans bank robbery with the green BMW. Anna reason the date of bank robbery and it is correct. The police arrest Buck and the Morgan brothers.
Speaking of Tom and Anna, they will go out.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
hard work
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
my favorite winter food
I tried some pizza-man at some convinience store. At last I found out the best pizza-man and it is Lawson's pizza-man. The tomato sauce is very derisious and it have much cheese. Please try to eat the lawson's pizza-man and compare with other pizza-man. If you know more derisious pizza-man, please tell me about it!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Examiner !
I went to yoyogi-zeminalu near the Kumamoto station. Then my role was decided to be a usher and I feel relief at the role. It is not much harder than a role of examiner. I sticked many posters and guided candidate to classloom. It is not satisfactory a little to me. If I work this part-time job again, I would chalange an examiner.
I woked untill p.m4:00 then I get 7000yen. I was very happy and I want to spend the money usefully.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
One day in the morning, Joe calls Steven and says ‘ There is a new girl in this town. She is tall with red hair and a nice smile.’
Steve’s father Ned Reit is editor of the weekly newspaper. The Cado Star.Cado star has only one reporter but he is ill. Ned tells Steve to take some interesting picture.
Then he find a beautiful girl in the town. He thinks she is the girl whom Joe told about. Steve often sees the girl in the town. He makes many fails because he admires her. She also looks for some interesting pictures in order to sell them to Cado Star. Steve cannot find some interesting pictures, then he meet Mr. Picket. Mr.Picket tells about Bud Richie who is a famous writer and he ill be back in the town. Steve decides to meet him and report him. He goes to meet Bud Richie and asks about his times away. Bud Richie traveled over the world. He went to Himalaya, Africa , India and so on. Then Steve helps a cat which cannot get down from a tree but he fell down. A beautiful girl take picture of the scene. She is the girl whom Steve saw in the town. Her name is Marietta and she is Bud Richie’s daughter. Steve and Marietta fall in love.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
In the morning, I was slightly ill-conditioned but I thought it is no problem. We arived at the Suntry Beer factory and we studied by observation. Then we studied how to pour a dericious glass of beer. In the middle of the semina, I become sick and I was carried to medical room. I want to listen the seminar and exercise serving beer. I go back when lunch time. I cannot eat yakiniku enough. I was unhappy.
I went to hospital next day. A doctor told me that I was gastroenteritis. I was stay in bed for three days.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
On Thursday morning, Sally is in bed. Suddenly her phone rings and it’s her boy friend Andrew. He says that Sally must go out with him tonight and wear blue skirt. But her blue skirt is dirty she doesn’t want to wear it. Andrew likes blue but Sally likes red.
He often calls her and says do this, do that, don’t go there . . . and so on!
At lunch time, Sally goes shopping to look for the blue skirt with her friend. Finally she buys a red skirt which Andrew doesn’t like.
After working, she goes to a café. Paul also is there. He picks her fallen bag up. Sally thanks for him. After that, Paul’s phone rings but it is stranger. He notice that His phone and Sally’s phone changed! Paul calls his phone which Sally has now and they meet again. They fall in love. Ally doesn’t go to Andrew and she go to a party with Paul.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I'm hungry
I like breads, ikinari-dango and tonkotsu noodle, too! I like tonkotu noodle the best. Chiaki recommends Bunryu and I have been wanting to go bunryu. Lately, a new shop of Bunryu was built near my house. I will go to the new shop. I want to eat tonkoshu noodle enough!
chiaki's report is→here!
My Family
My brother is twenty-two year-old and he is freeter. I'm a littlee taller than him. He has been takeing care of me since I was born. We are very friendly and I like him but I want him to find a job.
My father is fifty-two year-old and my mother is forty-seven year-old. My parents began to run a bakely house about a year ago. My mother makes a lot of bread and my father go to sell them. They always work so hard and I always help them. But my mother cannot sleeep well in weekday and my father always very tired. I worry about their body everyday. After grduate, I want to make money and help my parents.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Mr. Fuller wonders why there is 5000 dollers more in his bank and he doesn't know that. He cannot under stand that. His son, Sam says 'It's good. Don't ask question about it. Be happy!'
The e-mail from S.Fuller to New York Cafe says,'I want to help people and make them happy!' The e-mail from New York afe to S.Fuller answers ' This is new York Cafe and my name is computerhead. OK. I can help you!' They begin to contact on e-mail and S.Fuller follows computerhead's instructions.
S.Fuller and computerhead handle the important computers in America and they order rich people to give thir money to poor people. They want to help poor people and make a New America. They continue to hack computer in America. The police and the President of America look for a climinal and interested in the New York Cafe.
Mr.and Mr.Fuller angry because thir son Sam and their daughter Shelia don't want to sail with them. Then The e-mail from S.Fuller to Computerhead says,My mum and dad are sailing now. I have more time at the computer.' S.Fuller and Computerhead threaten the president of America with controling the missiles. But the plice get the signal from a computer cafe in New York and they catches Computerhead. Then The police catches Sam, but the true climinal his sister Shelia.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Happy Hills is a famous theme park. Sally work there as a part-time job. She is a student and she wants to be a teacher.
Every morning Mr. Parry makes a list of jobs for today in the workers canteen.
Today Sally arrives at Happy Hills at eight oclock. She goes to the canteen and looks for Mr. Parry's list. The list says, 'Sally Brown-Connie Cat. Break;eleven. Therefore she must wear heavy and hot costume. Every wokers hete this costume job.
The door is openat nine oclock. Today is special day in Happy Hillsbecause very famous singer Zapp comes there. Zapp sings some popular songs in front of Zapp-o-copter which is a new attraction of Happy Hills. He shows a CD which is his new song. Then he puts the CD in his pocket again.
After a long time, Zapp's CD disappears from his pockets. Then police come and they ask a lot of questions to the visitors snd workers. Zapp is very angry. But Sally noticed that there is much one person who wear the costume. One of the charactors, Charie Clown cannot be there, so police catch it. It is a woman and she has Zapp's new CD! Sally did a great work to find a criminal.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The Chronicles of Narnia

I spent boring time today, so I decided to go rental video shop. I rent a DVD which is The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe. I had ever watched in a theather before but I wanted to watch it again.I would like to introduce the story shortly.
In wartime, four envacuated children lost their way and wandered into a Narunia kingdom. The country was ruled over by a white witch. People are afraid of the witch. Aslan is a lion and he is looked up the people in Narnia. The four children make a war against white witch with Aslan and army. They fight with using wisdom and power. As the result They beat the white witch. Peace returned to the Narnia and the four children become kings and queen.
I like the story very much and I watched this DVD again and again. I impressed the scale and interesting story. I want to read the book of Narnia, too!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Takuma Festival

Takuma festival is held in Kumamoto Gakuen University for three days. A lot of people come the Takuma festival and famous artists performed in it. Therefore Takuma festival is very famous among young people in Kumamoto.
I went the first day yesterday. I haven't been in a circle and I haven't go the Takuma festival. Some of my friends who is in a circle had their own shops for three days. I know that they worked hard till late before the Takuma festival.
As soon as I arrived, a friend of mine treated me fried potato. Then I ate manjyu, tijimi and mikan for free. I was very glad that I have very good friends. My Korean friends made some Korean foods and it was real things. It was too hot for me but very good taste. I bought takoyaki, juice and desert. I surprised at the inexpensiveness and tastes. There were a lot of people in the festival today but today is a weekday. More people will come tomorrow because tomorrow is a holiday. I can't go there toborrow because of part-time job. I want to enjoy the Takuma festival again next year.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Jack, Max, Sasha and Tonya are stsnds on Jack's boat. Max and Sasha are Jack's friends and Tonya is his wife. They discuss about their future.Then they decided to sail around the world.
Their sailing start and visited many places around the world. Some days later they see a big fishing boat. Max looks carefully at the boat though his binoclars. There is something in the net and it's alive.
It's a killer whale orca and it's hurt. Jack gets the net off the baby killer whale. Suddenly there are other killer whales near the boat. Jack swims to the boat as fast as a fish and gets in the boat.
It begins to rain as they move away from the killer whales. Suddenly it is raining very hard and there is a lot of wind.A very big wave hits the boat. Tonya disappears from the boat. Some time later the boat hits a beach.
Tonya is five hundred metres away out in the sea. She finds some wood and puts her arms around it. She sees a bearch in front of her her but she cannot swim to it. Tonya listen to some noise. Ten metres in front of her is a very big fin. Under the fin is a killer whale. There are many killer whale in the water. The biggest killer whale is under her but she don't die. Suddenly she is on his back and he carry her to the shore.
Jack finds Tonya at the beach. He cries and too happy. That is the grateful orca.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
☆Haloween Party☆
I went shopping with my friend Tomoyo and we bought some hair ornament and pierced earring of Halloween. I put black dress and those accesorry on. I changed myself to a witch.
There were witchs, monsters and many funny character in the haloween party. I enjoyed their costume very much. I ate a piece of pizza, cake and sweets which were brought a lot of participants. Then I got an article by a lottery and it was a puzzle ring. I was very happy.
I could talk with many people whom I had not talk with. I took many picture with my new friends. I thought that I was very very happy to took part in the Haloween party, and I would like to take part in it again next year.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Brown has been in prison for five years, but he shouts “I’m not a thief. I’m an innocent man.” The prison guards hate him. All he does is read. He wants to get out of there and he decides to leave the prison.
The next day, he hides at the cell. The guards cannot see brown and thinks that Brown has already left from there. Brown goes out side of the prison and he is on the roof. He runs and jumps. The guards look for Brown but they cannot.
He run toward the wood with his foot hurt. He is very tired so he robs a bicycle. Then he gets to a farm and he sleeps there.
In the next morning, he wants to change his clothes, so he robs the farmer’s clothes.
Many people run after him. At last he arrives at an airport. He hide into a box, but the box is not carries by airplane. Lastly he is found and he must get back to the prison again. I’m so sorry for him.
Monday, October 23, 2006
A party
I drank alcohol a lot in along while but I'm not strong in liquor. I walked with unsteadily steps but I feel very good. I talked many people and laugh a lot. I was satisfied so I could not eat and drink anymore. I thought I was very happy to meet the good members. I could not go to the second party because I had a class in morning. I missed everyone but we made a promise that we would have a party again.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
First I got up early, then I went to Melupaluk by bicycle. I worked there until afternoon. As soon as I get home, I went to next part time job. I worked at yakitori bar from pm 6:30 to am 2:00. I was exhausted and very sleepy. After my part time job, I checked my e-mail. Then my friend had sent an email with a picture. My friend went to watch fireworks in Yatushiro and sent me a fireworks picture. I wanted to go Yatushiro but I had to work. I was very very tired but I got a little power thanks to the picture. I want to go to fireworks festibal in Yatushiro next year with cool boy☆
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The Ranson of Red chief
Two mmen is in a train. The two men is Bill and Sam and they are arrive at the small ameikan town of Summit. They have only two hundred dollars, so they need more money.
Sam hear that Ebenezer Dorset is the richest man in the town, and Mr and Mrs dorset have one boy. sam decids to make away with Mr Dorset's son whose name is Johnny.
Bill is to catch Johnny but Johnny is strong. At last Sam and Bill can catch Johnny.
Johnny is very very naughty, so Sam and Bill have a lot of trouble with Johnny. They exhaust themselves by Johnny's mischiefs. Sam writes to Mr Dorset to give them much money.But they can get refusal. Finally Sam and Bill bring Johnny home and they give Mr Dorset two hundred dollars. They escape out of Summit.
English Weekend ~finel day~
The next morning, I got up early, but I slept for only one hour. I was very sleepy and tired. I made breakfast for seventy people. After breakfast, we enjoyed volley ball, badminton and soccer. Though I was tired, I used all of my power. The lunch is curry. But I was so tired that I couldn't eat the curry very much and some of my friends, too.
After lunch, we went to Suntory Beer Factory. It is new building and very beautiful. We learned how to make beer and row material of beer. It was very interesting and I enjoyed the tour of the factory. we could drink three glasses of beers or juices or oolong tea. I drank a glass of juice but some students drank much of beer.
Monday, October 16, 2006
English Weekend ~first day~
I hadn't had sleeping time enough the day. I was very tired and sleepy in that morning, but I was looking foward to English Weeknd. I wanted to make friends with many exchange student but I worried about my English ability and comunication ability. The exchange student came from Korea, Ileland, New Zealand, America, China, Vietnam and Thailand.
At first, I could'nt speak English with exchange student well. While playing some games, I could be relax and speak more. We had okonomiyaki at lunch and BBQ at dinner, so I was very happy.
In the night, we had a small party. We drank alcohol, and ate snacks and some sweets. The party grew livelier very much. The party time is the most happy time for me.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
preparations for a camp!
One night, a man whose name is Jack takes a taxi after party. He tells the taxi driver to take Jack his home. Jack is so tired that Jack cannot keeps to awake. Jack sleeps in deep. When the taxi stops at a traffic light, suddenly the taxi is broken into by a man.
The man has a gun and he tells the taxi driver to go to a place where he directs. Then Jack wakws up and he is surprised at the situation. He is to help the driver, but he is caught by the man soon. Then, Jack is put into the boot of the taxi.
Fortunately Jack has a phone, so he phones the police station and talks to a police woman. Jack tells the police woman about the man. The man's name is Wolfand he is very dangerousman. The police is looking for Wolf. Then the taxi arrives at the airport and the Wolf races there. The police also arrive there and arrest the Wolf. At last Jack can get out of the boot.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
My favorite picture
I took this picture in Yomitan village. I had ever watched this beautiful place on TV and magazine. I had wanted to go to this place. We looked for this place in Okinawa with using a map and books. we wanted to find the place at the time of sunset. When the sun began to set, we could not find there. But at last we could get there in time of sunset. When I watched the sunset, I was so impressed. I took many pictures and movie with my mobile phone. I will never forget this scenery and memorry.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Dangerous Machine
I went to Space World at the end of summer vacation with Tomoyo, Miki and Kanako. When we arrived at Space world, we were surprised at ZATURN. It was very big and high speed, so I decided never to step on the machine. But Miki and Kanako like such machine very much.
After start, about 2.5 seconds later, the machine runs with 130km/h. It does nose dive after sudden rises to 65 meters. Full length of the machine is 400 meters and a bording time is about 40 seconds.
Miki, Tomoyo and Kanako said to me "It is not so terrible." At last I decided to step on the machine. I thought that I would die. I will never step on it!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
One boring Monday morning, Adam thinks "Every day is the same. Nothing exciting ever happens to me."
On his way to his office, he meets Mrs B. She says to him, "Do something different oday." So Adam goes to his office by different way.
When Adam go through the park, he sees a woman is robbed by two men. Adam helped the woman and runs with her. The woman's name is Serena and she is an actress. So Adam helped her who was just making a film.
At the same time three men robs a bank. When the bank robberies escape, they crash with two people who are Adam and Serena. Then Adam's back and robbery's back are changed.
The robbers are to catch Adam and Serena. The robbers have guns and Adam and Serena escape with a car. Serena has a good idea and she calls the movie director.
At last Adam and Serena are caught by robbers. When Adam is to be killed them, the polices come. The robbers are arrested but all of the police are actors. The movie director was making a arrest film. Then real police come. The boss of robber is Adan's boss.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
There were a lot of sloping roads and original atmosphere in Nagasaki. We went to the China Town, Dejima and central city. I ate a chanpon in China Town and bought some kasutera in central city. We enjoyed sightseeing very much.
The concert is so great and fun. I came to like ORANGE RANGE more. After the concert, we were very tired and we must go home in Kumamoto.
We went home by highway and it takes about three hours. I was so sleepy and tired, when I got home. But I could make precious memory.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Kenny is going across by bus. One eevening in summer, his bus arrived in a little town in California.
In a street Los Angeles , somebody robbed money of super market. The rrobber is sitting on a motorcycle and has a gun.
Kenny sees a girl arrrive the same motel on a motorcycle. He thinks he know her face. Early in the next morning, Kenny watches some pictures of the superarket robbery on TV. The robber looks like the girl whom he saw yesterday. Kenny goes to talk to the girl. Her name is Mel. After short talking, Mel leaves the room to call. A young man near the door is watching Mel, and Kenny goes to sit next to the the young man whose name is Ned. Ned says to Kenny not to call the police because Mel has a gun.
Kenny gets into Mel's room and looks for money from the robbery, but nothing is there. Suddenly Mel gets back the room, so Kenny moves quickly another room. There is nobody in the room. But he finds a wig and the money from robbery. Suddenly Ned comes into the room. The robbery is Ned!
Ned hits Kenny on the head and drives off quickly. Just then Mel hears Kenny 's help and she goes after Ned. At last Mel catches Ned . Kenny notices Mel is a famous stunt girl.
my favorite drink
My favorite caffe- au-lait is "CaffeLatte". There is many types in CaffeLatte and I like maple taste the best. We can buy all types of CaffeLatte at KGU bakery. I'm interested in a new taste "caramel chocola".
I want to know more good caffe-au-lait. Please tell me your favorite caffe-au-lait.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I had not been there for ten years. I was looking foward to go there, but I didn't have any confidence in stepping on a roller coaster. I couldn't step on any roller coaster when I was child.
Kanako and Miki like a roller coaster very much, they didn't feel any fears. At last I decided to step on "jupiter" which is the second terrible roller coaster for me. I challenged it two times. And after that I came to feel sick. I wanted to be good at such a roller coaster.
We got many attractions all day and we used all of our power. I could make good memory of my summer vacation. I want to go there again with same member.
SPACE WORLD is → here!!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Book Review 9
Richerd the First is king of England and he is good king. After the king goes away, Prince John does his work and he is very bad man.
Robin of Locksley is a brave man. Prince John is to kill Robin. Robin hides in Sherwood Forest and change his name Robin Hood. He makes many fellow to fight Prince John and his bad men.
The sheriff who is one of bad men have the contest to catch Robin. Robin win the contest and run away from Sheriff. One day Robin sees a young boy sitting in the forest. It's not a boy but it's Lady Marian who Robin loves. They get married in Sherwood Forest. They swear to fight for everything that is good and right, and wait the day when King Richerd comes back to England.
Book Review 8
Jonas Clark loves Hetty Gray but he is so poor that he cannot marry her.
He walks into a bar. Old Harry is sitting near Jonas. There is a bag of gold on the table. Two man are talking to him and they are angry. They want to know where he find the gold. Harry told them that he found the gold in Dead Man's Rever and ghosts are there. The two men and Harry go to Dead Man's River. Jonas runs behind then.
he looks for yellow gold but he can't see it in the sand. Unfortunatery he is found by the two man. He runs away and meet Harry. Harry said to him that in fact he found the gold another place. Then two man is coming. Jonas pretend a ghost and two man run away. Harry thanks to Jonas and gave him the gold.
Jonas becomes rich and he get married with Hetty.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Book Review 7
Mike is a college student. In summer vacation, Mike get a new part-time job which is an assistant van river.
One day, Bill who is a van driver and Mike drive to Morgan's store. There is a beautiful girl called Jenifer. She is Mr. Morgan's daughter. Mike fall in love with her and he thinks about Jenifer Morgan every day.
Mike phones Jenifer and he has finally got a date with her at 8:00 on Friday evening.
Friday evening finally comes, but some accidents happen.He is in a traffic jam. leaves money and the policeman take him for robber.
As the result, he is very late and Jenifer isn't there. She gets ungry.
Mike writes Jenifer and he tells her about his accident. He write that he wants to meet her at the broad way Coffee House the night. Then, Mike go to the coffee house and Jenifer is there. They become a couple and happy.
Book Review 6
Mark Miles and his son Andy are having a bad morning. One of driver Gary has a bad arm and he can't work. But Kim who is on her first day at the office can drive a truck. Then Kim and Andy get into the trick and drive to France.
On their way to France, Kim finds a box under the truck. They open the box and drugs in it.
They notice that two man follow behind them. Andy throws the parcel of drugs into the nearest skip. Kim and Andy fight the two man, but they have gun. The two men jump down into the skip. Quickly Kim takes the ladder away. Now the men cannot get out. Kim and Andy call police.
Then they arrive very late but they can return home.
Book Review 5
Hank Morgan works in a machine factory in Conecticut USA. The year is 1879. One day , a iron sticj hit Hank's head. Hank opens his eyes. He is in six century England and The King Arthur's court.
He makes some miracle and people call him Sir Boss. He wants to make people's lives better. He makes the county develop with modern knowledge. The King Artherlike Sir Boss.
The Sir Sagramor wants to fight Boss, but Boss kills him with weapon.
Three years later , Boss has a wife and children. He is very happy. Though, Merlin who is a magisian puts Boss under magic. Hank MOrgan wakes up at the begining of the twenieth century. He is now seventy years old. His American family is with him.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
My great memory in Okinawa
When we arrived at Naha air port, we met some member of High and Mighty Color. They are musician. I could shake hands with them so was very happy.
Okinawa is very very hot, but nice heat. I have not ever seen such brue sky and sea. We stayed a hotel whose name was beach tower and it is a new hotel. I recommend the beautiful hotel to everyone.
The first day, we lost our way many time. It is like adventure but very fun. The second day, we took part in a music festival. Mongol 800, D-51, ORANGE RANGE and many other artist peformed there. The third day, we went to the sea and watched wonderful sunset. I wanted to show it everyone. The last day, we had happening. We lost our way to rental car office, therefore we were going to miss the flight in five minites more. We could be in time the flight but we didn't want to go home. There is like a paradice for me. I could have very precious time in Okinawa. I will save my money and go to Okinawa again next year!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Book Review 4
A man lives in a city. He wants to the country. He has a little red car and a map. He drove all night out into the country. Suddenly, his car stops because it has no petrol. But he is not near a town.
And then he sees a girl and the girl is very pretty. She takes him to her village. But there is not a village on the map. There is very beautiful. He met her family and they were nice people. But he feels something strange.
He falls in love with the beautiful girl. But she says, "You have to go. It is dangerous here." He go to the next town to find some petrol. And he come back soon, but there is no village. He is very sad because he loves her very much. 350 years ago, there was a big fire angd every body died. He saw ghoasts. And if he did not leave in the day, he would never leave.
Book Review 3
It is the year 650 in England. There is no kind and people are fighting. Mertin the magician see a wonderful king whose name is Auther in his dream. Mertin makes a magic stine. He puts a sword in it. Only a boy can pull out the sword and his name is Auther.
After four years, He becomes a strong good king. Then Martin goes away and give a magic sword to Auther. Auther marries Guinevere. And a man whose name is Lancelot becomes the first kight of the Round table because he is the strongest man.
Morgan and Mordred are bad person, and Mordred wants to become a king. They trap Arther and Lancelot and Arther is killed by Mordred.Then Lancelot kills Mordred soon. He throws the Arther's magic sword . A hand comes the water and Arther goes to heaven.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Book Review 2
Mr. and Mrs. james (Jim) Dillingham Young live in small apartment. It is their first home - at $8 a week. there are not any special things, but it is a happy home. Jim is a happy man in his apartment with his wife Della, and she is happy, too.
Della have long beautiful hair and jim loves it. And Jim has a gold watch which was a gift from Jim's father. Jim always has it with him.
In Christmas, Della sell her beautiful hair and gets $20. She buy her gift for Jim: a beautiful gold chaim for his watch, for $21.
Jim come home and he have special gift for her. It is expensive comb for her long, brown hair. And Jim opened his gift and smiles. He also sold his watch for the comb. They don't have enought money, but they have a lot of love.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
preparation of my trip
I have some problems now. First, I went to some shopping center,and bought many items for it, like clothes, bag and sundal. I spend a lot of money but I have to buy more things. I must not run out my money before the trip.
Second I have to present some report before I went to Okinawa. I knew the reprts one month ago, so I should write report more early. I took it easy and forgot my reports. Now I'm busy to write some reports and work my part time job.
These days, I don't sleep well I'm going to be tired before the trip, but I must work hard in order to enjoy my trip.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Book Review 1
One day there were four men, a boy and a dog high in the sky in a balloon. Suddenly The strong wind caught the balloon and carried it away from the land and out over the Pacific. After many days, the wind got weaker, and the balloon flew down over a beach of land.
There were a lot of trees, water and mountains,but no people. No other ship came the iland. They decided to live a cave house near by little river.They could have enough food and the life was not so bad. Though, they felt that someone watched them. Someone always helped them when they were in danger.
Then a man of them found the floor of the cave opened. They enter the hole and found a ship "Nautilus" below the cave. There was an old man in the ship. His name was Nemo and he was famous captain of the submarin Nautilus. He was dying and he wan ted them to eat a last dinner with him. And the next day, he died.
After his death, they had lived in the land for many days. One day they found smoke on the sea. The smoke come from a ship. At last, they could go back home.
There are some mystery and thrills. I was enjoy to read this book.
A fashonable caffe
Monday, June 19, 2006
☆My birthday☆
My friends send some birthday mail to me and celebrated my birthday. I was presented cosmetic, sweets and foods. I was very happy to have such good friends.
I thank my parents for bringing me up. I'm not a child now. I want to be a good adult.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
My part-time job place

There are many kinds of yakitori like chicken cheese, negi banban, and so on. I think that whoever likes yakitori, can be satisfied with daikiti's cuisine. Pleases come to yakitori daikiti in shinhoka, and it is here!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Chocolate Parfait 3
Then I went to the restaurant of Hikarinomori at lunch time. We were not so hungry, so we ordered only chocolate parfait. These days I often eat chocolate parfait and introduce on this blog bacause I crazy about it
This chocolate parfait which I ate today is wonderful. I amazed very much because fire works stuck on it. We could enjoy only eating but also watching. As for taste I think that it is not so bad but not so good. It was fullof banana. I don't like the parfait which is full of fruit very much. I like a parfait which was full of fresh cream and ice cream. If you know such a chocolate parfait, please tell me and introduce.
Monday, May 29, 2006
★☆ Happy Birthday MIKI ☆★
I go to a restrant "Joyfull" with Miki, Kanako and Tomoyo after school.
We ordered four parfait and I like the restaurant's chocolate parfait.
We celebrated Miki's birthday and enjoyed eating and talking a lot.
Today was a happy day ☆
Thursday, May 25, 2006
rainy days
I don't like rainy day, because It is hard to go to school by bicycle. I cannot wash clothes and go out in rainy day. I become nervous.
To make matter worse, rainy season is going to come soon! Please tell me how to spend rainy day pleasantly.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
a recipe
I have never eaten curry spaghetti. It looks so delicious. Yumi teaches us how to make curry spaghetti, so I will challenge it!
chocolate parfait
Monday, May 15, 2006
mothers day
My mother likes pink flower, so we bought pink carnation. The bouqet was not so expensive but very beautiful.
We handed it when she was working. She was very pleased, and she adorn the workplace with the carnation.
These days she is in bad health and I worry her. I want her to be healthy, so I will support her.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
My Boom
I wasted my money one year ago. I often bought lunch, juices, snacks and so on.
But I came to realize inportance of money when I became sophomore. If I did not waste my money, how much money I could save now. I regret.
So I get a money box, and I put into the box only five hundred yen.
At first, It is hard for me to save. But now, I enjoy putting coins into money box.
I am looking foward to fill up the box with five hundred yen. And I want to go travel by using the saving.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
a long distanse
I became friends with her when I was a high school student. For three years, we had been same class and my attendance number is next to her. We have been good friend very much.
She don't return to Japan for more than two years, so I am a little sad and worry.
We can't meet, but we are exchanging e-mail. If she had hardship, I would help her.
I will support her and I want to experience and learn many things now, like her.
Monday, May 08, 2006
The Last of Mohicans
The original story was written by James Fenimore Cooper. This story is about the Indian who liveof the ancient American Continent. I could know the real history of the Indian and their war. the war was so miserable and a lot of people were killed. There were many story of each people.
I recommend this movie.
a movie site is here ☆
Sunday, May 07, 2006
This is one of my favorite picture. I took this picture in last summer when I went to Amakusa with my family. This place is famous for the beautiful sunset. The day was very fine, so we could watch this beautiful scenery.
I like sunset very much. It is impressive and go right to my heart. I will also look for a spot where we can watch a beautiful sunset in this year.
Friday, May 05, 2006
a pay day
I have worked at yakitori bar for more than one year. I like my part time job, and I could continue a part-time job so long for the first time.
Today, suddenly, my salary was up! I have never thought such a thing, so I was very happy. I could get much money than last month. I will get more money from today.
This event motivate me, so I work hard than before.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
We were going to go to a sea, and eat kaisendon there. But we were caught in a traffic jam one hour later.
So we changed our plan, we drove around Misumi, and reached little beach. There were a few people who had already swum in the sea. The sea water was very cold that I could not soak.
Then we looked for a restaurant where we could eat kaisendon, but couldn't. So we eat takoyaki at ikkyu and it was very delicious, I recommend it.
Our plan was imperfect, but we enjoy driving. I want to go swimming to the sea in this summer.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Because I will go to Okinawa with my friends in July.
I have wanted to go there long before. So it was one of my dream.
I talk with my friend about where to go, what to do and so on.
I want to make a wonderful memory in this summer.
Three kids have a lot of adventure. The story is so interesting that I was impressed.
I recommend this film.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
My name is Emi Sakagichi. I would like you to introduce my self.
I live in kumamoto and my house is located near a river.
I like cake and cheese, but I don't like milk.
My hobby is sleeping, playing volley ball and watching movies.
Please tell me your fovorite movies.
I would like enjoy this class☆