Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Book Review 2

The Gift of the Magi

Mr. and Mrs. james (Jim) Dillingham Young live in small apartment. It is their first home - at $8 a week. there are not any special things, but it is a happy home. Jim is a happy man in his apartment with his wife Della, and she is happy, too.
Della have long beautiful hair and jim loves it. And Jim has a gold watch which was a gift from Jim's father. Jim always has it with him.
In Christmas, Della sell her beautiful hair and gets $20. She buy her gift for Jim: a beautiful gold chaim for his watch, for $21.
Jim come home and he have special gift for her. It is expensive comb for her long, brown hair. And Jim opened his gift and smiles. He also sold his watch for the comb. They don't have enought money, but they have a lot of love.

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