Thursday, November 02, 2006


Originally uploaded by Emi-k.


Jack, Max, Sasha and Tonya are stsnds on Jack's boat. Max and Sasha are Jack's friends and Tonya is his wife. They discuss about their future.Then they decided to sail around the world.
Their sailing start and visited many places around the world. Some days later they see a big fishing boat. Max looks carefully at the boat though his binoclars. There is something in the net and it's alive.
It's a killer whale orca and it's hurt. Jack gets the net off the baby killer whale. Suddenly there are other killer whales near the boat. Jack swims to the boat as fast as a fish and gets in the boat.
It begins to rain as they move away from the killer whales. Suddenly it is raining very hard and there is a lot of wind.A very big wave hits the boat. Tonya disappears from the boat. Some time later the boat hits a beach.
Tonya is five hundred metres away out in the sea. She finds some wood and puts her arms around it. She sees a bearch in front of her her but she cannot swim to it. Tonya listen to some noise. Ten metres in front of her is a very big fin. Under the fin is a killer whale. There are many killer whale in the water. The biggest killer whale is under her but she don't die. Suddenly she is on his back and he carry her to the shore.
Jack finds Tonya at the beach. He cries and too happy. That is the grateful orca.

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